Starting July 21st: Two services @ 9:00 and 10:45 AM

Who We Are


We know searching for and finding the right church can be exhausting! We want to help you discover if Antioch is the place for you!

A Place to Encounter

Everything flows out of encountering and knowing Jesus. Our hope is to make Antioch a thin place between heaven and earth.

A Place to Grow

Antioch is an Acts 2:42-47 church, which means that we meet weekly for LifeGroup (house to house) and come together for the Sunday service (temple courts).

A Place to Serve

At Antioch, we build people through ministry together. We want to invest in your life and disciple you through practical acts of service.
In an effort to make connecting as easy as possible, we’ve created this online form to help you get connected quickly, develop a sense of belonging here at Antioch, and help you grow in your walk with Jesus!
Get Connected

Welcome To The Family

We all long for purpose, meaning, a loving community, and divine mission. God has given us a vision as a church, and the only way we will see that vision realized is if those in our church know that vision and know how they can contribute to it. We believe placing membership is a meaningful way to demonstrate commitment to a local congregation, and believe that church is better with other people and on mission.

Welcome to the Family is a two-week interactive class designed to equip and empower you to embody our values and live out our mission. At the end of this class, you will have the opportunity to place membership with Antioch Fort Worth!
Welcome to the Family

Session 1: Kingdom Culture

Embody the Great Commandment: Learn how we orient our church life around our core value of “loving one another.”

Session 2: Discipleship

Embrace the Great Commission: Learn how we orient our church life around our core value of “loving those who don’t know Christ” and how you can live on mission with us.

Register for Welcome to The Family


A-Teams are made up of people who serve with passion and give their all to build the church. We believe serving creates a space for you to encounter God and disciple others as you find a community within the church. It's a part of our culture and something we want to invite you into with us! There are many opportunities for you to use your time, talent, and skills in Guest Ministry, Kids Ministry, Worship & Production, and more. You matter and you have a purpose here at Antioch Fort Worth.
Join An A-Team
Serve at Antioch