Starting July 21st: Two services @ 9:00 and 10:45 AM
Walking into a new church can feel intimidating, but at Antioch, we are real people with real stories, just like you, trying to serve a real God with all our hearts. We would be honored to have you visit this Sunday and DISCOVER if Antioch is the place for you! Check out the video below for a Sunday morning walkthrough.
Our Sunday morning services are about 90 minutes long, and most Sundays include
Your kids are always welcome in service, but we have fantastic kids classes for each age group from 4 months old to 6th grade that meet during service. Come to the New Families desk in the foyer and our AKids Team will check your kids in and show you to their rooms.
Worship with us live online Sundays at 9:00 am or receive weekly encouragement by visiting our YouTube channel.
To better understand how we do church services at Antioch, we invite you to visit our YouTube channel and watch any of our previous live-streamed services on demand.
Antioch Fort Worth is a place where we have made friends and we feel like family. We have been here for a year. We love our life group family. The worship is amazing and the teaching is solid Biblically based.
- R.M.
My family and I instantly loved this church. You can immediately sense this is an authentic, intimately connected community going hard after Jesus. This is a great place to grow in your faith no matter where in the process you are at.
- K.S.
My husband and I have loved the greater Antioch Family for a long time, and have loved being apart of Antioch Fort Worth. The staff quickly made an effort to get to know us as new comers, we got plugged into a lifegroup, and have made some amazing friends.
- C.B.
Antioch Fort Worth is a non-denominational church and is a part of the Antioch network of churches across the US and globe. For more information about Antioch we invite you to visit
Our Sunday services and Livestream start at 9:00 & 10:45 AM. Together, we seek after Jesus as a church by getting into the presence of God through worship, communion, and Scripture-based teaching.
Our services are about 90 minutes long where we seek God’s heart through intentional worship, receive God’s word through teaching by either our lead pastor, Jamey Miller, or one of our guest speakers, and leave room for anyone who needs prayer to meet with a member of our prayer ministry team. You’ll also find a printed outline for notes in our app that will help you make the most of each week’s teaching.
We want you to come however you are comfortable! Our guests come in everything from jeans or shorts to slacks and dresses. There is a place for you here no matter what you wear!
We are excited to offer classes for 4 months-Elementary during service! Check the VISIT ANTIOCH page for more details on classroom locations and check-in procedures.
The Moms & Babies room is located in the back right corner of the Auditorium. It is there for women to use to feed or change their babies, comfort upset children, or take their little ones to get the wiggles out and play for a little bit. The room has comfy seating, a changing table, baby toys, water and snacks, and a TV livestreaming the service. It also has a one-way glass window that allows you to watch the service while also protecting your privacy.
The Next Steps area is where you’ll find out more about how we do life in community through LifeGroups and life on mission through A-Teams, and how to jump right on in with us! It is located in the back left corner of the Auditorium.
The New Here tent is located outside our front entrance. This area is for our first-time guests, where we can introduce ourselves, welcome them to Antioch, and give them a small welcome gift. The Next Steps area is for those who have been coming for a short while and want to get plugged in. This area has more information about our LifeGroups and our A-Teams.
If you are wanting to make Antioch your church home, we offer 2 part interactive course, where you will hear our story, learn our values, and find your place at Antioch. We call this class Welcome To The Family and offer it three times a year.